
FAQ & Resources

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Got questions? Start here

Whether you are thinking about leaving, in the midst of sorting out how to split everything up and who is going to look after the kids, or just wondering how two separate lives might look – here are some ebooks and info sheets covering questions people in your situation have faced before.

And if you can’t find what you’re looking for, drop us a line or make an appointment to come in for a chat.


Where to now?

What you do now may have a big impact on how well things go from here. This free eBook will help you navigate the early stages of your relationship breakdown.


De Facto relationships in WA

So you weren't married, what does that mean? Do you lose the house? Who gets the kids? What about the super? This free eBook outlines how Family Law in WA applies to couples who weren't married.


DIY Consent Orders

You and your ex are getting on reasonably well, you have come to an agreement on how you want to split everything up, so can you do your own Consent Orders? Of course you can - how hard could it be . . . Our eBook offers practical advice and tips and traps when considering a DIY family law option.