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Your break-up,
on your terms

Decision making - back in your hands

Our five-stage resolution pathway lays out the steps for clients to follow. Alongside your individual settlement strategy we will then work to resolve your matter using the best form of negotiation and resolution for your circumstances.

This is where we hear your story.

Meeting you

This is where we hear your story. It’s time to tell us what’s keeping you awake at night.
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Meeting your Ex

Meeting your Ex

Now we sit down with your ex to hear their side of things.
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start planning for the day

How does it work?

Once we’ve met with both of you we can start planning the best way for your whole family to move forward
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You might want to talk about how much time you spend with your kids, how to co-parent or what’s going on at your ex’s place.


You might want to talk about how much time you spend with your kids, how to co-parent or what’s going on at your ex’s place.
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Money might be the biggest stressor


Money might be the biggest stressor in your life right now – but how much is there and how much do you need?
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Family mediation is your chance to explain how you're feeling

What is mediation?

The right mediation goes a long way to helping you explain where you stand, understanding your ex’s position and finding some common ground.
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